de So close.
So good.
7 Leadership Principles
Herunter Scrollen

Our Leadership Principles at a Glance

1/7 Coming together is a beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success. (Henry Ford)

We place great value on long-term collaboration.

We are pleased to embark on a shared journey at Gehrke Econ and ensure the necessary economic and social conditions. Our employees contribute their dedication, readiness, and capability to work.

2/7 Our openness opens doors for you.

We regularly and openly tell our employees where they stand.

Gehrke Econ promotes open dialogue at all levels of the company. In addition to providing regular feedback to our employees about their performance, the leadership also welcomes constructive criticism.

3/7 We for you. You for us. So simple. So good.

We are loyal to our employees.

We support and protect our employees in dealings with clients, as well as in personal challenges and emergency situations.

4/7 We give a boost to those who rise.

We expect and encourage commitment and willingness to perform.

Through motivation, support, and praise, we recognize and value the daily work of our employees.

Our employees demonstrate their commitment and willingness to perform through further education and training, contributing ideas, taking on responsibility, and being open to change.

5/7 Our understanding is based on dialogue.

We treat our employees fairly and with respect.

We work through dialogue, with honesty, credibility, and communication on equal footing as fundamental requirements.

6/7 We multiply our knowledge by sharing it.

We keep each other informed.

We practice ‘winsulting’ and foster open communication across all levels, in all directions, and—depending on the information to be shared—across hierarchical boundaries. The doors of employees, team leaders, managing directors, and partners are always open.

7/7 We speak one language – each in their own words.

We lead our employees based on a shared understanding – each in their own way.

We have the desire and commitment to consensual leadership, with the goal that partners, management, and team leaders align with the decision or at least support it.